Wednesday 25 August 2010

First day of relaxation.

Today is my first day of relaxation. I had a nice long lie in and then had a yummy bowl of cereal. Which reminds me you should check out my mum's blog. She's Kooky girl. Great name I know. If you like food you should definitely read it. My mum cooks all the time. I think her best blog was Courgette 'Woteva' (Whatever). I never even tasted it because I hate courgette. But I had a funny feeling it was nice, for my parents anyway. On to me, I really want to learn to cook and I say that I will cook, but I never actually do. I usually like eating the food but am never interested in cooking it. I mean, not many children do actually cook. They might make a cup of coffee or a cup of tea but my dad usually does that. He's Buiscuit Boy, he doesn't have a blog. Ok I don't actually know what we're doing this next week or so but we're deffinitly watching loads of films and T.V. Great or what !Or maybe just great for me... Got to go we're just putting on a movie now. Bye 

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